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I am a research practitioner. This means that although I publish in academic journals, most of my research is 'performance-based' and shared with students, workplace professionals, and civic partners synchronously. I like the vibe and energy of an immediate connection paired with a dynamic learning exchange. Communication is a fluid field of study. Add technology to the mix, and it becomes really complex. I often say, as much as technology gives us more ways to communicate, it presents more ways that we are misunderstood. 

Several years ago, I stumbled upon an organization that had a terrific people-centric culture. Because I partner with many organizations to study workplace experiences, I quickly realized theirs was a diamond in the rough. This ignited a deeper curiosity to explore traits of exceptional leaders and a formula for world class teams (yes, I've actually arrived at one!) 

Topics related to this include empathy, listening, effective confrontation, conversational strategies, compassion, nonverbal communication, assertiveness, executive presence, professional speaking, emotional intelligence, patience, trust, values, persuasion, collaboration, and innovation to compete. I have learned that mission and vision statements are mere corporate wallpaper unless they are supported by a leader willing to walk the talk. This begins with an interest in people over profit. (profit is critical too, but the front line is the bottom line.) So, what is a 'healthy' organizational culture? It is one where people feel safe. They are valued (seen, heard, understood) and go home each night (okay, most nights) filled with purpose. They take that positive energy into their homes and into the world. They are inspired to return the next day and offer their best in service to others. There are a lot of good people who are very poor leaders. Most have never had role models. It can be dangerous to lead as you were led. Anyhow...that is a snapshot into my research. Want to learn more or just have a hearty conversation? Hit me up!


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